Israel Hernandez - Uchimata Course
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Course Length
Videos: 64
Length: 3 hours 59 mins

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Course Content
In-depth Technique Breakdowns: Learn the intricate details of Uchimata from an Olympic Medalist & Olympic Coach Isreal Hernandez, with step-by-step demonstrations and explanations. Click to open up each chapter to see what's inside.
Mother Of Uchimata
Tsurikomi Goshi
Tai Otoshi
Koshi Guruma
Ouchi Gari
Osoto Gari
Types Of Grips
Basic Inside Grip
Basic Outside Grip
Power Outside Grip
Power Inside Grip
Grip on The Back From The Top
Grip on The Back From The Side
Lapel And Collar
Bicep Grip
Uchimata Learning
3 Step Entry
2 Step Entry
1 Step Entry
Types Of Uchimata
O Uchimata
Ashi Uchimata
Taki Uchimata
Oikomi Uchimata
Hane Uchimata
Maru Uchimata
Maware Uchimata
Ken Ken Uchimata
Advanced Uchimata
Makikomi Uchimata Vs Same Side
Makikomi Uchimata Vs Opposite Side
Cross Grip Uchimata
Two Lapel Uchimata
Reverse Kuzushi Uchimata
Elbow In Uchimata
Bakikrov Uchimata
Wrap Around Arm Uchimata
Most Common Mistakes
Missed The Leg To Enter For Uchimata
Bent Attacking Leg
Losing Balance
Incorrect Kuzushi
Looking At Your Opponent
Bending Support Leg
Avoiding Defense
Sukashi vs Sameside
Sukashi Vs Opposite Side
Elbow Blocking
Stopping with The Core
Stopping with The Hip
Stopping with Your Leg
Avoiding Counters
Uchimata Gaeshi
Sukashi Uki Goshi
Sukashi Tai Otoshi
Sukashi Harai Goshi
Stopping Counter
Kosoto Gake
Te Guruma When Uke Moves Away
Niddan Kosoto Vs Uchimata
Combinations to Get Into Uchimata
De Ashi To O Uchimata
Ouchi Gari To Uchimata
Kouchi Gari To Uchimata
Tai Otoshi To Uchimata
59-Split Hip To Uchimata
Uchimata To Ouchi Gari
Uchimata To Kouchi Gari
Uchimata To Harai Goshi

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